Do you know you can boost your income by boosting your capital with a loan? Many people always feel they can only get a bank loan if they have a landed property.
Here are a few tips to becoming eligible for a loan.
- Have a running business.
- Have a notebook where you record your daily sales, purchases and expenses.
- Have a mastery of the different seasons of your business. High periods and low periods.
- Have verifiable suppliers.
Practice putting your daily sales into your account and not just your profits. You can withdraw whenever you want to restock.
Be consistent in the business you choose to do and incase of diversification, have a clear record.
Keep all your receipts of purchase, rents, payment of taxes(be it daily, quarterly or yearly).
Have a clearly defined purpose for the loan you want to take and the intended duration of repayment. The loan amount should be atmost 1/3 of your current capital. If possible do a cash flow with projections.
Always remember, if you don't believe in the business you are doing, you will find it hard convincing someone about it's potentials.
You and your business are the major collaterals for any loan.
When you get the loan, use it for the purpose for which it is intended, repay promptly and be eligible for a bigger loan.
Hope it helps!
Honorine Ambe